We are proud to be the only facility in Northland to permanently have technology onsite that will accurately track your health and fitness progress!
In just 35 seconds, our Fit3D body scan will take over 1200 accurate photos of you, using three infrared cameras. Within 4 minutes of completing your scan you will have access to hundreds of measurements, graphs, and images to give you a holistic view of your current health status.
What makes this scanner so brilliant is that your results are available to you 24/7, they are private and any future scans will be tracked and compared against your previous scans.
So what kind of information will the scanner give you?
Online 3D image
Body Fat Percentage
Lean Mass
Fat Mass
Basal Metabolic Rate
Body Shape Rating
Waist to Hip Ratio
Trunk to Leg Volume Ratio
Girth Measurements
Torso Volume
Leg Volume (left v right)
Arm Volume (left v right)
The images and results that you see will seem confronting at first but you should really think about them as a tool for empowerment. A tool to help you keep motivated and on track with your health and fitness goals. With each scan you can compare your results and even overlay your images so you can actually see your body changing (even if the scales don’t).
So why is our scanner different from others you may have seen?
The other common scanners that you may have seen are what is known as bioimpedance scanners. All bioimpedance scanner measurements solely rely on electrical currents that travel through your body and are hugely affected by your hydration levels. It is impossible to keep your hydration status at the same level each time which can make these scanners inaccurate and unreliable. Just a 0.5% change in hydration status or 1 days’ change in a women’s menstrual cycle can significantly affect ALL results (including muscle girth measurement). Also when you think about it logically how can “electrical currents” ever give an accurate muscle girth measurement? One of the other peculiarities with these types of scanners is that your body fat percentage will vary depending on your age, for instance if you inputed your age as 35 but you were actually 25 your body percentage would actually be higher than if you had of used your real age!
So how much does it cost?
Members of Elevate can enjoy one off scans for $45.
Non members have a few options incluing:
1. One scan for $75.00
2. Two scans for $120.00 ($60 per scan)
3. Four scans for $200.00 ($50 per scan)
4. Six scans for $270.00 ($45 per scan)
5. Unlimited scans for only $7 per week on a 12 month contract!
Simply call us to book in a scan or book using our website here.